Author Archives: Jay Butchko

Why are there So Many 18-Wheeler Trucks on the Road? An Inside Look into 18-Wheeler Truck Statistics
If you have driven down a Houston road recently, you may have noticed the many 18-wheeler trucks that pepper the highways, back alleys, and roads, getting goods back and forth from warehouses to the shelves of stores for consumers. Indeed, 18-wheeler trucks are a critical component of America’s supply chain, and without them Houstonians… Read More »

Texas Couple Awarded Over $12 million in 18-Wheeler Trucking Case Against New Prime, Appellate Court Affirms Trial Court’s Judgment
Sometimes when a personal injury trucking accident case goes all the way through trial in Houston, the results pay off for the plaintiffs. Although nothing can truly make a person whole after suffering serious injuries sustained from a terrible 18-wheeler truck accident, Texas personal injury laws aim to compensate victims of 18-wheeler truck accidents… Read More »

Reckless Driving in Houston: Recourse for 18-Wheeler Truck Accident Victims Not Limited to Criminal Action
It is an unfortunate fact that Houston’s roads can be very dangerous places for the average person. With the flow of busy traffic, distracted driving, and occasional obstacles in the road, injuries can and do happen out on Houston highways and streets every day. Add to the regular traffic mix the constant procession of… Read More »

AFFF Spill at Hawaii Navy Base Alerts Public to Dangers of Fire Fighting Foam Chemical Exposure to Humans
A massive AFFF accident that occurred in November of last year is hitting news frequencies across the country and is alerting people to the true and present danger of AFFF chemicals to humans. The reason for the recent resurgence in coverage over the toxic spill is the release by the United States Navy of… Read More »

“A Limited Time to File a Claim”? What does the Statute of Limitations Mean in Houston Personal Injury Cases
Most Houstonians have heard at least one attorney advertisement in their lives offering help for injuries related to an automobile accident, slip and fall, wrongful death case, or even a dog bite. Typically, at the end of these commercials, the lawyer themselves or the voice of a seasoned narrator cautions the viewer that “you… Read More »

Department of Defense Releases Tips for Safer Alcohol Consumption in Effort to Decrease Sexual Violence and Assault
It is a universal truth that sexual assault is never the victim’s fault. Regardless of how a sexual assault victim acts and dresses, where he or she goes, or who he or she trusts, sexual assault is a heinous criminal act that no person should have to endure. Sexual assault can affect anyone, regardless… Read More »

Texas Couple Sues Wedding Venue for Premises Liability Related to Trip and Fall Accident
In October, 2021, Kathleen Salazar and her husband Gabriel Salazar attended the wedding nuptials of their niece in Rhode Island. Unfortunately, what should have been a day of joy and excitement for the Salazars, their family, and friends turned into a nightmare full of pain and anguish. According to local reports, while attending the… Read More »

18-Wheeler Driver on TikTok kills 5 in Fiery Arizona Trucking Accident
Distracted driving is a hazard that has been made even worse by the proliferation of cell phone use in cars. Despite the fact that it is well-known that distracted driving can lead to serious and fatal car accidents, and the fact that using a cell phone while driving is unlawful in most states, everyday… Read More »

Gilde Law Firm Wins $1.2 Billion Verdict for Woman Victimized by Image-Based Sexual Abuse
Gilde Law Firm recently obtained a jury verdict in favor of our client to the tune of $1.2 billion. While final judgment has not yet been entered and zero dollars have been collected or received as of this date, the verdict still stands as a significant statement against this abhorrent tech-fueled epidemic. The case… Read More »

3M to Pay up to $10.3 billion for Public Water Suppliers AFFF Contamination Suit
In a move to resolve claims made by public water suppliers against companies involved with the production and distribution of Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF), mega-giant conglomerate company 3M has announced that it has agreed to pay up to $10.3 billion. According to the giant’s website, on June 22, 2023, 3M agreed to enter… Read More »