Cruise Ship Injuries Caused By Rough Seas

Accidents can happen on a cruise ship in many different ways, and one situation that causes many accidents every year occurs when a ship travels through rough seas. When you get on a ship you are entrusting the captain and other members of the crew to make decisions that are in your best interest, particularly when it comes to sailing through inclement weather and rough seas. At the Gilde Law Firm, our Houston personal injury attorneys are here to defend your right to compensation after an accident. To learn more about your legal options, call or contact our office today.
Duties of the Cruise Ship
The captain and officers of a cruise ship are relied on to make decisions about whether to travel through rough seas and bad weather. While rough seas cannot always be avoided on a cruise, the ship has a duty of care to its passengers to minimize the chances of an accident. This can include properly warning passengers about rough seas as well as provide proper safety instructions to minimize the chance of injuries. The cruise ship is also responsible for ensuring that the ship is reasonably prepared for rough sea conditions and that everything is properly secured to avoid any accidents. However, accidents and injuries can still occur in rough seas while on a cruise.
What Causes Accidents?
There are many things that can cause an accident on a cruise ship during rough seas. The tipping of the boat makes it easy for passengers, particularly the elderly, to get off balance and fall or trip when moving around the ship. There should be proper handrails on all stairs, rises, and runs of the ship. In addition, all tables, chairs, plates, silverware, and other items that can move in rough seas are put away and secured. Depending on the size of the cruise ship, rough seas can slosh water onto the decks, making them hazardous for people to walk on. Rough seas can also cause accidents for the smaller ferry vessels that often take passengers off the ship to a port. Depending on the intensity of the seas, a ferry ship could be thrown about by the waves, causing serious injuries.
Injuries Caused by Rough Sea Accidents
When an accident happens because of rough seas, many different injuries can result. Some of the most common include traumatic brain injuries (TBI), facial trauma, broken bones, soft tissue damage, strains and sprains, back and spine injuries, nerve damage, and other serious injuries. Adding to the damage is the fact that most cruise ships are minimally prepared to treat significant injuries on board, requiring passengers to wait or be transported off the ship to the nearest port for medical care. This lag in time could exacerbate an existing injury caused by a rough sea accident. To learn more, talk to our office today.
Call or Contact Us
Have you or a loved one been injured on a cruise ship? Call or contact the Gilde Law Firm today to learn more about what your case might be worth.