I Got Cancer From Camp LeJeune Toxic Water. What Are My Next Steps?

Since the passage of the Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxins Act of 2022, known as the PACT Act of 2022, and the Camp Lejeune Justice Act, thousands of veterans and their family members from all over the country have submitted claims in order to get compensation for damages related to cancer and serious diseases related to contaminated water exposure at Camp Lejeune military base. Under the new legislation, veterans and their family members who were stationed and lived at the North Carolina military base for at least 30 days from 1953 to 1987 may be entitled to money compensation for illnesses and diseases connected to dangerous chemicals that are now known to have contaminated the water that military families used on a daily basis. With the passage of the PACT Act and Camp LeJeune Justice Act laws, entitling veterans and military families to recovery for Camp LeJeune-related illnesses, affected veterans and their family members may wonder what the next steps are in initiating a Camp LeJeune compensation claim, and whether they have to file a lawsuit in court in order to get compensation.
Do I Have to File a Lawsuit in Order to Get Compensation?
Under the PACT Act and Camp LeJeune Justice Act, veterans and their family members must bring a legal claim in federal court in order to get compensation for injuries related to Camp Lejeune toxic water exposure. The legal claim, brought under the PACT Act, is initiated by the injured veteran or their family member or members against the United States Federal Government. Under the Federal Tort Claims Act, veterans and their family members can bring claims for injuries related to toxic water exposure in what’s called multidistrict litigation. Importantly, not only can veterans and their family members bring suit against the government for Camp LeJeune-related injuries, but they can also sue on behalf of deceased family members who died as a result of exposure to the contaminated water at Camp LeJeune. Just like other legal claims, the person who brings the claim, whether a veteran or a veteran’s family member, can be represented by a lawyer in the action against the government.
How do I Find an Experienced Camp LeJeune Toxic Water Lawyer in Houston?
For many people, the thought of bringing a lawsuit in court against the government sounds like a daunting task. However, that is exactly what the PACT Act and Camp LeJeune Justice Act entitle veterans and their family members who were injured at Camp LeJeune to do. Already thousands of veterans and/or their family members have initiated claims in federal court to recover money damages for cancer and serious illnesses related to their needless exposure to the toxic water at Camp LeJeune.
If you are interested in bringing a claim for damages under the PACT Act due to toxic water exposure at Camp LeJeune, and you were stationed at Camp LeJeune for at least 30 days between 1953 to 1987, it is important to speak with an experienced Camp LeJeune water contamination lawyer today. If you are in Houston, the skilled and experienced Camp LeJeune toxic water lawyers at the Gilde Law Firm are here to learn about your case. The experienced Houston mass tort lawyers at the Gilde Law Firm offer a free and confidential consultation to learn about your case and to see if they can help. Contact the Gilde Law Firm today and speak to a lawyer about your rights.