Involved In An 18-Wheeler Truck Accident In Houston? Here’s What You Should Do Next

No one goes out on the road expecting to be involved in a motor vehicle accident with a massive 18-wheeler truck. However, from Texas to California and all the states in between, we all share the open road and highways with semi-trucks, logging trucks, petroleum haulers, refrigerated units, and all of the other major 18-wheeler trucks traveling from hubs to stores to deliver goods and products to consumers. 18-wheeler vehicles are no joke, and they can seriously do damage on impact. Colliding with an 18-wheeler vehicle is not any different from smashing into an 80,000-pound hunk of metal at speed, as an 18-wheeler truck can weigh anywhere from 35,000 pounds to 80,000 pounds, depending on whether it is loaded or not, and can typically go up to 65 miles per hour (or even more, but most trucking companies require their drivers not to exceed 65 miles per hour).
Indeed, for all of these reasons and more, a trucking accident involving the average person and their everyday vehicle and an 18-wheeler semi-truck can be extremely dangerous, and even fatal. If a person finds themselves in an accident with an 18-wheeler truck, panic can certainly start to sink in. For these reasons, it is important for drivers on the road to know what to do if they are involved in an accident with an 18-wheeler truck.
Check Yourself and Passengers for Any Injuries and Call Emergency Services if Needed
First and foremost, it is important for those involved in an 18-wheeler truck accident to check for any injuries that they may have suffered and to call emergency services if they are hurt. Next, if it is safe to do so, occupants of the vehicle should check for any signs of injury suffered by other passengers, and call emergency services for help if needed. If a phone is not available, victims of an 18-wheeler trucking accident should call for help from bystanders.
Move to a Safe Place
If it is safe to do so, and does not cause injury or worsen existing injury, victims of an 18-wheeler trucking accident should move out of the road, and onto the side of the road, shoulder, or sidewalk.
Get the Police Involved
Victims of an 18-wheeler trucking accident should call police services for help and to report the accident. It is important to note that in Texas, motor vehicle accidents must be reported to the Texas State Police if there are injuries suffered by persons involved, any deaths, or if property damage over $1,000 has been caused by the collision.
Get Information and Documentation
It is important for 18-wheeler truck accident victims to get critical information from the 18-wheeler driver and/or the trucking company that they work for, along with their insurance information, the vehicle description, and things like the location of the truck accident and contact information. Victims of an 18-wheeler accident should also take note of the police officers who arrive on the scene, obtain a copy of the accident report when it is available, and take pictures of the accident scene and any injuries. Victims should also observe whether there were any witnesses to the accident and should take down their contact information, as well as the contact information of those involved in the accident.
Notify Insurance and Contact a Houston Truck Accident Lawyer
In addition to calling one’s insurance provider to report the accident, it is advisable for a trucking accident victim to contact an experienced Houston truck accident lawyer to learn about their rights and options, as well as any entitlement to compensation. The experienced truck accident lawyers at the Gilde Law Firm offer a free and confidential consultation to learn about your truck accident and to see if they can help you get just compensation. Contact the Gilde Law Firm today and speak with a Houston truck accident lawyer about your case for free.