Keeping Safe While Keeping Fit –Three Tips For Women Who Work Out Solo At The Gym

After the now-viral video of the Florida woman who fought off a sexual attacker in her apartment complex gym, women in Houston and across the United States are wondering what they can do to keep safe while working out alone. The ugly truth of the matter is that although it is the year 2023, it is still not safe in Houston, and in the United States generally, for women to work out alone at night, even at their own apartment complexes where they live. To help spread awareness about what women can do to stay safer and more vigilant while they work out, many news and media outlets have covered stories on ways that women can protect themselves while working on their fitness. Here are five safety tips that women who work out can implement into their fitness routine to help ward off a sexual assault.
Gym Safety Tip #1. Get Your Workout in During Daylight Hours
Although it sounds downright restraining in the modern world to suggest that women should avoid working out alone late at night, the truth of the matter is that it is safer to work out during daylight hours. At night in the gym there are usually fewer people working out and fewer staff members, which can create the ideal scenario for a sexual assault attacker. Working out during the day or keeping late night workouts to a home gym or home workout routine are good options for keeping safe while hitting your workout.
Gym Safety Tip #2. Keep Headphones Off in the Locker Room
Locker rooms may seem like a safe place, but they are often somewhat secluded, unmonitored by gym staff, and a place where people dress and undress. It is important, especially late at night, to be aware of what is happening in the gym locker room, with eyes and ears. Gym locker rooms can also be dimly lit, so late night gym goers should take their headphones or earbuds out and silence their music devices in the locker room. Vigilance and being aware of your surroundings are important components of staying safe in public or shared spaces.
Gym Safety Tip #3. Pay Attention Not Just to Your Workout, but to Your Fellow Gym Goers
Part of being vigilant also means that during your workout you should be aware of what and who is around at all times. It is easy to get hyper-focused during a workout session and totally unplug from the world. However, being aware of any unusual activity or attention is very important when keeping safe, especially afterhours when gym staff may not be available to assist in the case of a dangerous encounter, and quick action may need to be taken to get away from a sexual assault attacker.
Help with a Sexual Assault in Houston
If you have been sexually assaulted at your gym, apartment complex, at a store, or on any other business property in Houston, you may have options under Texas premises liability laws. Contact the Gilde Law Firm for a free and confidential consultation with a Houston sexual assault sex crime lawyer and learn about your rights and options today.