Legislation On Legislation: Flood Of Camp LeJeune Water Contamination Claims Prompts Fee Cap Bills; What To Know About Attorneys’ Fees In Camp LeJeune Claims

It is now very well-known that the United States Government owes veterans and their family members significant payouts for injuries related to toxic water exposure at Camp LeJeune. From the years 1953 to 1987, the United States Government exposed veterans and their family members to toxic water contaminated with dangerous chemicals in drinking water, bath water, and in water used for all other everyday activities at Camp LeJeune. The chemicals found in Camp Lejeune contaminated toxic water is also now known to have caused serious and dangerous cancers and other illnesses, which were developed by veterans and their family members who lived at Camp Lejeune during the periods of contamination. To address this massive and dangerous problem, legislation has been passed that entitles veterans and their family members to sue the United States Government for money damages related to their Camp Lejeune water contamination injuries.
According to reports, it is now estimated that around 14,000 claims have been filed for money compensation for Camp Lejeune water contamination injuries by veterans and their families under the new laws. Under the laws, like most lawsuits, injured veterans and their family members can hire private lawyers to help represent and fight for them in their Camp Lejeune water contamination claims. With the flood of lawsuits brought by veterans and their families under the new laws, the discussion has turned to attorneys’ fees earned by the lawyers who help fight for Camp Lejeune victims. Congressman Darrel Issa is reported to be introducing a new bill that would cap attorneys’ fees in Camp Lejeune claims, similar to the attorneys’ fee caps for lawyers who represent disabled clients in front of the Social Security Administration.
Attorneys’ Fees in Camp LeJeune Toxic Water Contamination Claims
Those who are interested in working with a lawyer to get money compensation for Camp Lejeune toxic water contamination injuries may want to learn the basics of attorneys’ fees when it comes to Camp LeJeune claims. Many Camp Lejeune toxic water contamination lawyers charge what is called a “contingency fee”, which means that the lawyer only gets paid if the client settles or wins their case. Typically, under a contingency fee arrangement, if a client does not settle or win their case, the client is not on the hook for fees associated with representation. It is a good idea to ask your Camp Lejeune lawyer what their fee arrangement is, and to check your retainer agreement for the terms of the fee agreement with your lawyer.
Houston Mass Tort Camp LeJeune Lawyer
The skilled and experienced Houston mass tort lawyers and Camp Lejeune water contamination lawyers at the Gilde Law Firm offer a free and confidential consultation to learn about your Camp Lejeune water contamination injuries and to see if they can help fight for you. The lawyers at the Gilde Law Firm work on a “no recovery no fee” basis, which means that they only recover lawyer’s fees if they win or settle your case with you. Contact the experienced Houston mass tort lawyers at the Gilde Law Firm today and speak to a lawyer about your rights and entitlement to money compensation for free.