Roundup Made Me Sick. What Do I Do Next?

Every day across the country people use weed killers in their home gardens and nurseries. In fact, most garages in the United States probably have a container of weed killer sitting around, ready for the next nice day to use. Indeed, weed killer is a common tool that we use in our gardens to keep them free from pesky plants that interfere with our garden plans. However, what is not usual about some weed killers, such as the popular weed killer Roundup, is the dangerous and seriously harmful chemicals they contain that are not only harmful to plants, but also harmful to the human body to the extent that exposure can cause cancers and other serious diseases. As awareness spreads about the dangers of Roundup exposure to consumers all over the country, many people who have experienced the unfortunate and harmful effects of Roundup may be asking, “What do I do next?”
Step 1: Speak with a Roundup Lawyer
Roundup exposure is now known to cause serious and life-threatening diseases such as Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a dangerous blood cancer caused by toxic chemicals used to make Roundup. Roundup is also known to cause other serious types of lymphoma and other diseases. Individuals who have been diagnosed with one of these serious diseases, or another illness related to Roundup exposure, may be entitled to monetary compensation for their injuries under the law. Once a person is aware of a diagnosis of a serious disease or illness caused by Roundup exposure, they should act as quickly as possible if they wish to pursue a claim for money damages. Importantly, various statutes of limitations may apply to an individual’s case, and delaying may result in a bar to recovery. For these reasons, it is important to speak to an experienced mass tort/personal injury lawyer as soon as possible after a serious diagnosis related to Roundup exposure. A skilled and experienced mass tort/personal injury lawyer can advise as to what action should be taken, such as bringing an individual claim, joining onto a class action case, or initiating or being part of a collective action, depending on the unique facts of an individual’s Roundup exposure case. Typically, these types of lawyers offer a free and confidential consultation, and there is no obligation to do anything after the initial consultation, unless you wish to proceed with a case.
- Gather Your Thoughts and Evidence
Once you’ve scheduled a consultation with a skilled and experienced mass tort/personal injury Roundup lawyer, it is helpful to get together any documentation that you have in your possession that would help prove your Roundup exposure case. For example, documents that might be helpful include any receipts proving that you purchased Roundup, medical records showing a diagnosis related to Roundup exposure, employment records and pay stubs showing income loss from a diagnosis related to Roundup exposure, and any other healthcare expenses. If you have any documentation that would show when you used Roundup and that you did in fact use it (such as pictures, text messages, or any other communications between you and others that might show use), those can also be helpful pieces of evidence for your case. A skilled and experienced Roundup lawyer can help point you in the direction of other documents that might be helpful, and you need not have everything for the initial consultation.
- Complete Your Consultation with a Roundup Lawyer
Once you have your thoughts organized and evidence in hand, complete your consultation with a Roundup lawyer. A skilled and experienced Roundup lawyer will ask you about your particular case, your options, any possible recovery, and how their fee arrangement and services work. The initial consultation is a great time to get to know your potential lawyer and to ask the lawyer any questions that you might have about Roundup claims or the Roundup claims process. At the end of the conversation, you may decide to move forward, and in that case, if the lawyer also wants to move forward, they will likely send you an agreement for services that you can review and sign. After that, the good news is that your lawyer will work your case for you and fight for you to recover compensation.
If you or a loved one has suffered serious injuries from exposure to the weed killer Roundup, contact the Gilde Law Firm today. The Houston Roundup lawyers at the Gilde Law Firm can help fight to get you justice and money due. Contact the Gilde Law Firm today for a free and confidential consultation and speak to a lawyer about your rights and options today.