We’re In This Together: The Top 5 Tips For Picking Your Camp LeJeune Toxic Water Injury Lawyer

It is now widely known that millions of service members and their families were exposed to toxic and harmful water at Camp LeJeune for over thirty years from the 1950s to the late 1980s. It is also becoming common knowledge that service members who lived at Camp LeJeune and military family members have recourse for injuries related to toxic water exposure at Camp LeJeune under new laws promulgated this year. However, for some veterans and military family members, mystery shrouds the Camp LeJeune mass litigation, and it is unclear who to go to for assistance with Camp LeJeune claims. As advertisements touting legal help for Camp LeJeune victims proliferate on television, radio, and even social media, many may wonder who they should have on their side to get justice for their and their family members’ Camp LeJeune toxic water exposure injuries. Here are the top 5 tips to consider when selecting a Camp LeJeune injury lawyer to fight by your side.
- Pick a Lawyer who is Experienced in Mass Tort and Personal Injury Claims. Veterans and military family members seeking justice will want an experienced mass tort lawyer on their side that is highly familiar and skilled at mass tort and personal injury cases, and specifically has experience litigating cases under the new Camp LeJeune law, the Honoring Our PACT Act. The mass tort and personal injury lawyers at the Gilde Law Firm are experienced in mass tort and personal injury claims, including Camp LeJeune claims and other mass tort claims where a single act of negligence or carelessness severely medically injures millions of victims.
- Pick a Lawyer who Offers a Free Consultation. The initial consultation is a critical part of initiating any mass tort or personal injury litigation, including Camp LeJeune claims. The initial consultation is the time for the potential client to meet the lawyer over the phone or in person to discuss their claim and their rights and options. While some lawyers charge a flat or hourly fee for an initial consultation, some firms do not. The Gilde Law Firm offers a free and confidential initial consultation to get your side of the story and discuss your case and representation.
- Pick a Lawyer Who Has a Proven Track Record. Results speak volumes when it comes to legal representation. It is important to pick a lawyer that you believe will fight vigorously for you and that is likely to obtain a good result in the case. While no lawyer can guarantee a win, past results can help indicate the type of work the lawyer has done and whether they have been successful. The experienced mass tort and personal injury lawyers at the Gilde Law Firm have successfully recovered tens of millions of dollars on behalf of their clients and have received many positive reviews from former clients.
- Pick a Lawyer who Doesn’t Charge Attorneys’ Fees Up-Front. Some lawyers charge their clients on an hourly or flat fee basis, and may require a sum of money up front, called a retainer, to even start legal representation. However, some lawyers take cases they believe in on a contingency basis, which means they don’t charge anything unless they settle or win the case. The experienced Camp LeJeune injury lawyers at the Gilde Law Firm only get paid if they win or settle your case, and charge nothing up front for legal fees.
- Pick a Lawyer who You Feel is a Good Fit. Location, experience, and results all play into how we select most other services, and picking the right attorney is no different. In addition to a proven track record of positive case results, positive feedback from clients, and a no-recovery no-fee fee arrangement, the Gilde Law Firm is easily accessible by email, phone, or online chat and has offices in Houston, Texas.
In sum, picking the right attorney to fight by your side in your Camp LeJeune injury claim may seem like a daunting task, but the best thing to do is to get started today. If you are interested in seeking justice for your Camp LeJeune injury claim, contact the experienced Houston personal injury lawyers at the Gilde Law Firm today for your free and confidential consultation and learn your rights and options.