Will AFFF Claims Beat Out Big Tobacco Settlement for Largest Mass Recovery for Injured Americans?

There is no doubt that aqueous film firefighting foam, otherwise known as “AFFF”, is harmful and toxic to humans. AFFF, while originally considered a “miracle” substance for fighting fires, is now known to contain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). PFAS chemicals are highly toxic to humans and can cause a host of terrible and serious diseases and health conditions, such as liver disease, lipid and insulin dysregulation, kidney disease, cancers, and other severe conditions.
As a result of the hazards caused by AFFF exposure, multidistrict litigation is currently pending against large PFAS companies and AFFF manufacturers and producers, such as 3M, DuPont, Chemours, and Corteva. Plaintiffs in the multidistrict litigation claim that these mega-giant PFAS manufacturers knew that PFAS are hazardous to human health, but still manufactured them anyway. The plaintiffs claim that PFAS manufactures, among other things, contaminated public water sources and injured thousands of Americans by exposing them to harmful and toxic chemicals. Already over 15,000 claims have been filed in the multidistrict litigation, and many more are predicted to be filed.
AFFF vs Big Tobacco
The good news is that some PFAS manufacturers subject to the multidistrict AFFF litigation have already agreed to resolve some of the claims against them. DuPont, Chemours, Corteva, and 3M have already agreed to pay out a total of $11.5 billion to the public water suppliers that sued them for public water PFAS contamination. However, the claims don’t stop there. According to news reports, PFAS are found in the blood of a staggering 97% of Americans. Due to the fact that illnesses and health conditions caused by PFAS take time to develop in the body, that means that many more litigants may come forward in time.
In the 1990s, Big Tobacco companies paid more than $200 billion to resolve claims for injuries caused by cigarettes and tobacco. However, as senior strategic director for the Natural Resources Defense Council Erik Olson puts it, “Not 100% of Americans are walking around smoking tobacco…but basically 100% of Americans are walking around with PFAS in their bodies and none of them asked for that.” In sum, due to the high level of exposure of PFAS, AFFF claims could surpass Big Tobacco claims when all is said and done.
Help with Your AFFF Claim in Houston
If you were exposed to PFAS or AFFF and you are now sick as a result, you may be entitled to money compensation for your injuries. The experienced Houston mass tort lawyers at the Gilde Law Firm help those in Houston who have been injured by PFAS or AFFF get compensation due under the law. The Houston mass tort lawyers at the Gilde Law Firm offer a free and confidential consultation to learn about your PFAS or AFFF exposure case and to see if they can help fight for you. In addition, they only get paid if they settle or win your case, so you are not on the hook for out-of-pocket legal fees and costs. Contact the Gilde Law Firm today and speak to an experienced Houston mass tort lawyer about your entitlement to compensation for free.