You May Want to Read This if You Received a Call from an Insurance Company After Your Houston 18-Wheeler Truck Accident

Many Houstonians have been there: you get in a fender-bender on your way to work, exchange insurance information with the other driver or drivers involved, go about your day and let the insurance companies handle it from there. However, the usual course of handling a car accident in Houston is very different when it comes to a major motor vehicle accident, especially one where someone is critically injured, and where 18-wheeler trucks are involved. When a person is involved in an 18-wheeler truck accident, the extent of their injuries may be quite great – even fatal. Therefore, there is undoubtedly an interest in any liable parties to resolve the accident as soon as possible. That attempt may come in the form of a call from the liable party’s insurance company. But what should an injured person do if an insurance company calls them to resolve their 18-wheeler truck accident claims in Houston? Here’s what you need to know.
The Insurance Company is Not on Your Side
It may be surprising for a person who has recently been involved in an 18-wheeler truck accident to get a call from an insurance company. However, the truth is that it is not uncommon. Whether the insurance company is your own insurance company, or the truck driver’s insurance company, it is important to know that neither insurance company is on an injured person’s side. Insurance companies have an interest in keeping costs down, and any information you provide to the insurance company may be later used against you to deny you money. Although an insurance adjuster may seem friendly at first, they do not represent your interests, and, ultimately, want to keep the cost of the claim as low as possible.
How to Protect Yourself from Insurance Companies Low-Balling Your 18-Wheeler Truck Accident Claim in Houston
The best way that a person injured in an 18-wheeler truck accident in Houston can protect themselves from getting less than they deserve and are entitled to by an insurance company is to speak with an experienced Houston truck accident lawyer as soon as possible after an 18-wheeler truck accident occurs. A Houston truck accident lawyer can help you deal with insurance companies after your 18-wheeler truck accident, and can fight to get you the compensation that you deserve. If you are represented by an experienced Houston truck accident lawyer, you can tell that to any insurance company that calls you, and simply provide your attorney’s contact information.
If you were injured in an 18-wheeler truck accident in Houston, the experienced Houston truck accident lawyers at the Gilde Law Firm are here to help. The experienced 18-wheeler truck accident lawyers at the Gilde Law Firm offer a free and confidential consultation to learn about your case and to see if they can help get you justice. Contact the Gilde Law Firm today and speak with an experienced Houston truck accident lawyer about your rights and options today.